Staying Safe During Worship
In order to keep everyone safe during our worship service, please read the sign below before attending church and comply.
An important message from Pastor Kim:
Friends, as you likely know, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has now recommended that all people wear masks indoors regardless of their vaccination status if they are in a higher risk area for COVID spread. Florida is in the highest risk area. We have followed the CDC guidelines throughout the pandemic and our Bishop, Rev. Dr. Ken Carter, has asked congregations to continue to follow CDC guidelines.
Effective Sunday, August 1, 2021 we will require masks in worship once again, particularly given that Florida currently has the highest new case numbers in our nation. We will social distance as well so we will once again leave every other pew empty. We will continue to sing and make responses, though as quietly as possible.
I am quite disappointed that I and our leadership have to take this step however this change allows us to continue worship services in a way least likely to cause harm to those attending. Look for updates in The Wednesday Word in coming weeks. We will reverse this action as soon as conditions improve. Please pray for the decline of the Delta variant and for the recovery of those who are ill with it.