As I write this, I am still hearing the strains of the cantata in my head and thinking of the recent past days of Christmas and the New Year ahead.
Many of you are traveling during this time. Know that my prayers have been and will continue to be with each of you whether you are here in Bradenton, Florida or elsewhere in this hemisphere. That is part of what "community" means as a Christian: Wherever we go, our community comes with us in their prayers for us - and ours for them. As we come out of the warm feelings of the holidays into a new year, please spend time considering how others have welcomed you to Emmanuel United Methodist Church, and how you will be 'in community' with the people of EUMC in return. Even if you live elsewhere most of the year, YOU are part of EUMC and we think about and pray for you even in your absence.
Hope you are having a splendid New Year! Love and God bless... Pastor Kim