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The Wednesday Word


Because waiting ‘til Sunday is too long

“Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

Welcome to THE WEDNESDAY WORD, a weekly communication of Emmanuel United Methodist.


Over the years, many people have asked me “Why read the Bible?” I have a few reasons:

1) You can identify passages that speak to you in your life rather than just the passages that others find helpful.

2) Reading through the entire Bible, beginning to end, shows you the grand sweep of the history of God and God’s people from creation through the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God. It helps you find your place in that history.

3) When life is difficult, Scripture often comes to mind that you don’t even know you remembered, even if you have to search the internet for the chapter/verse.

4) When you search for answers you have to questions about passages, it not only helps the passage have meaning, it builds your understanding of what Biblical times were like and how they differ from our times. This can help you figure out how to apply the teachings of the Bible in light of your own place in history.

These are just a few reasons that I find compelling. When our son was diagnosed with a brain-stem tumor at 8 years old, I found that one particular verse became my comfort, Psalm 37:4, quoted above. Over the year it took to know our son would be fine, I went from just finding it comforting that God would fulfill my desire for my son to live to believing that God could give me the desires of my heart because he had formed me during that year to become a woman who desired God’s will above my own.

God desires to know you and for you to know him through his Word, the Bible and through the Word incarnate, Jesus Christ. Both are important parts of living the Christian life.


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