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The Wednesday Word

Writer's picture: Reverend KimReverend Kim

Because waiting ‘til Sunday is too long

“I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless. Jeremiah 15:21

Welcome to THE WEDNESDAY WORD, a weekly communication of Emmanuel United Methodist.


I’m sure you have all seen the devastation Hurricane Laura caused to the Gulf Coast in Louisiana and beyond last week. As always, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is there to help the area recover. They rely on donations from people across the country to help them in the recovery effort. Please consider giving to UMCOR to help those who have lost homes, businesses and more. You can give two ways:

1. Give through Emmanuel UMC’s Online Giving using the option for UMCOR. To go to our Online Giving, go to our website and the option to give online is in the left hand side of the upper row of options.

2. Give through Emmanuel UMC by check or cash marked for UMCOR.

One of the strengths of the United Methodist Church is our connection where those unaffected by a disaster assist those who have been affected. Please pray for the people Laura impacted and give as God leads you.


A hearty THANK YOU to the many of you who have sent so many lovely cards and to SPR who send a beautiful plant as I have been recuperating at home after surgery. The surgery was a success and I anticipate preaching on September 13th.


As we restart worship on September 13th, we anticipate live streaming worship on YouTube with a recording of the service posted afterward to YouTube, Facebook and our website. For the first few weeks we will still record ahead of time to ensure everything is working. Be aware that when our live stream is working as expected, the service will be available live at 10 a.m. and the recording posted shortly after end of the live service. If you have any questions, please email or call the Church Office.

To join on Zoom this week, do one of the following:

1) From any traditional phone or smartphone, call: 1-646-558-8656

a) Meeting ID: 880 7258 5917 b) Password: 195993

2) Connecting from your smartphone, tablet or computer:

b) OR Sign-on to or Zoom app. Click ‘Join Meeting’ and enter the Meeting ID and Password above.

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